We are excited to announce the next call for applications to the Art of Reconciliation Project. The call has been extended to MARCH 13th and you can apply HERE

We are excited to announce the next call for applications to the Art of Reconciliation Project. The call has been extended to MARCH 13th and you can apply HERE
Exploring the Heroine's Journey through doll making
(#new, #followme, #arttherapy, #womenshealth, #debbiedouez, #sitathen, #dollmaking, #womenintransition, #ladysmith)
If you are interested in attending this workshop, or hosting it in your community, please contact me! info@debbiedouez.com
Updated: Feb 8, 2019
Working with Indigenous Elders at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, paintings were created for a community made book that artistically reflect the importance of Indigenous language.
In December, 2018 I was invited to lead a workshop for Elders who were re-learning their mother tongue. In an attempt to help connect people more deeply with their language, in consultation with my Indigenous colleagues, I created this workshop.
Each elder was asked to choose a word that had deep meaning for them. They might be drawn to the way the word sounds or simply the meaning of the word, like Miigweech, which means thank you. Once Elders had their word they were encouraged to paint how it made them feel.
Workshops are still underway as more community members contribute to this communal book. All works collected will be stitched together into a book to reflect the communities response to Indigenous languages. The book will reside in the Elders room at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre for all the community to enjoy.
#arttherapy; #Indigenous #Indigenouslanguage; #VictoriaNativeFreindshipCentre; #Reconciliation; #Miigweech; #debbiedouez; #healingthroughart
For more information about this workshop please contact me at info@debbiedouez.com